2015 Annual Contemporary Art Show, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, Colorado.
2015 Works on Paper, Brand Library, Glendale, CA
2015 Hand Pulled Prints: The Current Practice in Printmaking, SITE:Brooklyn, NY.
2015 International Phone Photography, FotoFot Gallery, Huntington, NY.
2015 Passage, Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portalnd, OR
2015 NudeNite, Oralndo, FL
2013 Kalligraphia 13, San Francisco Public Library
a rare chance to view contemporary calligraphy during Kalligraphia 13. The exhibition will show and highlights a wide range of calligraphic techniques from traditional methods dating back to the Middle Ages to contemporary pen and abstract brushwork.
2010 Picturing the Word: The Visuality of Text
Doug Adams Gallery at the Bade Museum, Berkeley CA
This exhibition brings together five artists who investigate the relationship between text and image in various faith traditions. Referencing diverse letter forms and types of script, reflecting the ways in which letters and symbols can signify a particular culture, and, in some instances, facilitate the blending of otherwise disparate cultures.
2009 Diaphanous Symbols , Aurobora Studio San Francisco, CA